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Will Your Rates Go Up If You Make an Accident Benefits Claim?

by | Jan 5, 2021 | Personal Injury

Every driver – even an excellent one – can be involved in a car accident.

An insurer will likely investigate the fault of an accident to determine who is at fault.  Even if the accident was unintentional, out of your control, and if you have not been charged with a criminal offence, the insurer may have no choice but to find you at fault. Unfortunately, being found at-fault for a car accident may cause your rates to increase. 

What about “No-Fault” Insurance?

Most provinces in Canada have at least a partial “no-fault” insurance system. In Ontario, if you’re injured in a car accident, you will likely have access to Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS), whether you are at-fault or not.

The benefits available under the SABS include:

  •    Income replacement
  •    Medical and rehabilitation costs
  •    Attendant care 
  •    Death and funeral expenses

Will filing a SABS claim impact your premiums?

In short, filing a SABS claim will not drive up your insurance rates. Once you’ve submitted your claim, you may also have to submit your car for assessment of its property damage, and ability to be repaired. When the insurer is looking at the damage to your car, they will usually make an internal fault assessment then. If the insurance company determines that you’re at fault, your rates may go up. But claiming accident benefits should not have any impact on your rates. 

What about accident forgiveness?

If you have accident forgiveness as a part of your insurance coverage, it may help prevent a rate increase even if you’re at fault. However, it’s important to understand that this coverage will only prevent your rates from rising under specific conditions, and only your first at-fault accident will be forgiven. If you are charged with a driving offense, accident forgiveness may not apply.


Making a claim for accident benefits (SABS) should not impact your rates. And if you’re injured, these benefits may provide assistance you need to help you get better. If you’ve been in an accident and need assistance navigating accident benefits, we can help.

For a free consultation, please call Joshua Goldberg Law today at (416) 943-6502.


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